There's such a lie from the enemy being spoken to our very souls. It's one that says, 'We don't matter, we can't make a difference, someone else can be the change, or what can I do?'
I found myself thinking these exact thoughts as I sat in opposition at a special school board meeting Thursday afternoon. Even my husband shook his head at me as I walked out the door to leave. Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be a parent sitting at one of these meetings, but here I was. I made a decision I wanted to take a stance and speak up for our children. As I arrived, the attendance was small due to the two hour notice in school changes. I sat there feeling like it was a waste. I felt so insignificant and what did it matter that I was there at all. I felt like I was accomplishing nothing. I felt absolutely inferior.
That same voice cornered me in the shower the next morning as it tried to speak into my person. As I was processing the event, something stuck out to me though. I didn't know all the people in attendance in this room, but I did know a hand full that did come. They were all strong believers in Christ, and while it didn't seem consequential at the time, I felt like the Lord was reminding me that even though our number was few and we didn't say a word, my light, their light, our light were all small break throughs in the spiritual darkness.
I was reminded of a verse from 2 Chronicles 20:17:
"But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”
As I arrived home feeling defeated, my kids all yelled "Mommy's home" as they excitedly ran to greet me at the door. The big kids started inquiring if I was able to revise policies at the meeting, as if I was Super Mom and I had the ability to save their world. I told them that I didn't change anything today nor did I have the opportunity to speak. They were disappointed, but in the disappointment I could also see that what I did meant a great deal in their eyes. I had not passively sat by and let things be. My presence at the board meeting had value to my kids. It showed I cared enough to stand up for their feelings and the big things that matter in their world, and that in itself gave me great pride in my actions.
The truth is we have the ability to impact our world around us. God is calling us. God is calling us to do small things and big things. Things that can even make us uncomfortable at times. We can do big things just by being in relationship with the Father and being present in our ordinary every day lives. The small things you do every day matter. What you speak matters. How you love those around you matters. Kindness matters. The small things lead to extraordinary things.
God has even been reminding me that that 10th peanut butter and jelly I'm making for endless Summer kid snacking, matters. Those piles and piles of laundry and sweeping I feel like that. is. my. life., matters! Jesus himself served and fed His disciples on several occasions.
I may not physically see the importance of my physical presence in the spaces I contain, but as believers, the beauty of being in relationship with the Father is that we are carriers of the Holy Spirit and Christ himself. We are ambassadors of Him. We get to shine light into the dark places, in the hard places, even when we don't always see the effects.
This is true in your home, in your work place, with your friends, meeting a stranger, your interaction with the cashier at the grocery store. You have the ability to be a small (big) light in the spiritual darkness just by being who God has called you to be in the places that God has placed you, right where you are.
Comparison has only sharpened the lie that we ourselves are insignificant, don't matter, can't make a change, or that we don't have a voice. Others around you are not doing better, more important things than what God has YOU doing right now in your life. Comparison is that thief and liar!
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