Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blinking Before 8 Months

Our Tyler is growing so fast! We are almost looking at 8 months already, so I thought I should give a 6-7 month update before it got to be too late on our Half Birthday achievements. Who knows, I might need to reference this just for myself as I am getting behind on writing in his Baby Book.  

seven months: 18 lbs, 8 oz. 25 inches tall. 
  • still loves to play all things with his sissys 
  • fisher price "crawl around car" is his favorite toy
  • baths are most exciting
  • cooing and singing are his alarm clock sounds for mommy in the morning
  • growing hair at snails pace
  • started first foods at 6 months
  • prefers 'baby led weaning' over baby food
  • loves bananas
  • but is really a food thief (cats not excluded here)
  • crawling at record speeds
  • climbing, pulling up, standing & walking along side of tables, chairs, cabinets, everything
  • making all kinds of new sounds (mmmm, da da da, bu uh)
  • pressing lips and making puckering noises
  • conquered RSV
  • flaps arms when happiest
  • showing first signs of being bashful
  • teeth have yet to make an appearance
  • still wakes mommy at 4am insisting a diaper change
  • hates head rubs
  • shows hurt feelings when his sisters take their toys away from him
  • and cries in anger when it's food
  • recognizes his name and understands the "come here" command
  • will soon think his sisters named him, "No No I-ler"
  • ticklish, ticklish, ticklish
  • "peek-a-BOO" makes for good belly laughs
  • little fat rolls can even be found under his armpits
  • plays with his trucks on the kitchen floor like a big boy
  • pulls hair and pinches cheeks
  • makes fake cough noises and laughs
  • can holler and squeal as loud as the girls
  • acts like he is playing the bongos on all flat surfaces
  • is a baby filled with smiles & joy

Recent Funny Story:
Tyler gets lots of hugs and kisses from his big sisters. Bedtime ones are usually the sweetest, but sometimes they are a little overwhelming with it. As one of my recent Facebook posts included: 

"Goodnight Kisses to brother tonight involved applesauce lips and trying to stick carrot sticks in his eyes. Yep."

Anna has recently started long tackle hugs to the floor where Tyler gets agitated because he can't free himself. He gets angry and starts to cry when she does not release. At the sounds of my protesting, she takes it upon herself to spank him and points to me as if to let him know he is getting spanked by her on behalf of Mommy for refusing her hugs. Poor Tyler, I can't help but find the last part a bit hilarious.

On a precious side note of all the hugs, Tyler has already mastered putting his arm around my neck in endearment. :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wifery Edification

Not to sound all fluffy and posh, but my husband and I (of 3 years yesterday. Woot! Woot!), rarely argue and fuss or try to fix or change the other. That last part is significant, btw.

This past weekend my husband deeply hurt and offended me. I felt the Lord prompting me to be graceful, no lashing out or making my husband feel bad, but to just love him and be sweet in return. Ugh, seriously?! So, umm.... I wish I could say I did just that. Nope. No 'gold star' for this wife. I have no idea how lovely the situation could have turned out with the Spirit's leading because I didn't listen. I couldn't let it go. Instead I grieved myself and the Holy Spirit. I felt like I deserved to let him know how much he hurt me or should I say, give him enough grief that it never happened again. 

And wives, if you don't know, that's where the lines start to blur. It's the beginning of the ugliness of being that nagging, dripping faucet wife who tries to punish and change her husband. It just doesn't work, see Proverbs 21:9. 

My husband did not lie down like a dog nor did he lash out in return [at my disrespectful unsightliness that is still eating at my inner being]. Instead of personally taking me on or trying to reciprocate my behavior, my husband simply asked the Lord, 'to deal with me.' And as we went to sleep that night, my husband softly spoke to me (pouring myrrh on my door, Song of Solomon 5:5, ref Tommy Nelson's "The Art of Conflict") and said, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

Going to sleep that night was tough. I created a mess, ruined a good evening, and still had hard feelings.
But the Spirit still spoke to me, answering my husband's prayers. The Lord dealt with me, convicted me, and rewired my thoughts and behavior. He prompted me to not only make amends but to write my husband a heartfelt note of all the things I love most about him. The Lord gave me a heart change and I was able to make connection with my husband's heart again. It was lovely. As it should have been at the very start.

Love and kindness lead to repentance, not harshness or punishment. The Holy Spirit convicts and makes heart changes, not human nagging, control, or fixing. Something for me to 'wife up' in all relationships, not just in marriage

*Proverbs 21:9- "It’s better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home."

Friday, January 17, 2014

Beginning Ambitions [Photography]

I love photography. The need to take in every bit of the environment around me and capturing/soaking up memories goes back as far as I can remember. Being on a budget and not being able to afford all those adorable baby photos you find eating up my Pinterest board forced me to get creative with my little digital camera after our twin girls were born.

While I am in the mist of blogger's block (not for a lack of thought, but too many for a too busy household right now), I thought I would share two sessions I got to partake in a while back. They were my 1st official "learning" sessions.

Sweet and special friends of ours shared their prayers had been answered. They were so awesome to allow me to be a part of their sweet time.

I wish I could take credit for this creative idea, but it came from the inspirations of Raft Media's "Bun in the Oven" Baby Announcement found here: http://raftmedia.blogspot.com/2012/02/bun-in-oven-baby-announcement.html

Christmas Card JOY

I loved this one. My camera couldn't take in all it's beauty. The path ahead was GORGEOUS. It's symbolism for a new journey in store is precious.

My Sister and Brother In Law were moving from their first home they bought together as newlyweds and were upgrading to their new home made for their expanding love [kiddos ;)] but wanted to take a few memories to remind them of home. 

Memories are always served best around the dinner table and even sweeter when it's children's conversations with the Father.

Sippy Cup Toast

Sister conversations randomly happen in the refrigerator. Ha!

Bedtime Kisses aren't just for Mommies and Daddies but Sissys too

Red Door

Home Remembered In Time