Anna signed for the first time on Sunday. She signed, "All done" at lunch when she was teething and didn't want any more food since her gums were hurting, poor punkin'. Her 3rd tooth popped through the next day.
On Tuesday, I made mac & cheese for Esther and I to share since she has been picking up foods on her own, but she not only wanted to feed herself, but she also wanted to feed Mommy too! I think she made more of a mess trying to feed me than herself. Haha! It was super cute!
Wednesday, we got our 2nd little set of pitter patters around the house. Esther officially started walking! Yay! She surprised us on this. I thought it might be a little longer for her as she hasn't seemed interested in walking at the sight of Anna walking at 11 months old. Anna was determined and kept trying over and over, but not Esther. Esther just wanted to get up and do it without all of the hard work. Walking seems to definitely be all in her mindset as she thinks out every step. I shouldn't have expected anything less. She is my little observer. She watches everything closely and tries to figure out how everything works. You may think she is sitting and doing nothing, but you're wrong. She is processing everything; another reason she can find her way out of almost anything. She is currently trying to figure out how to undo the seat belt on her high chair. She watches us very carefully each time we unbuckle her and then she tries to investigate the belt and imitate.
We also had our 12 month checkup and vaccinations on Wednesday. This was the worst visit yet since they were so much more aware of what was going on compared to all the younger months. They did not like their shots one bit and definitely showed the nurse that they no longer liked her after each getting 4 shots and blood drawn. :( However, we have two super healthy babies! And the doctor did say that we could finish up our last can of formula and switch completely to whole milk. If you have seen Kyle's recent Facebook statuses, in which he has calculated out how much our babies drink a day plus the cost comparison since I quit nursing at 7 months, you know there is a bit of excitement in this for us!
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Anna at 3 Months / Esther at 12 Months getting weighed at the doctor |
I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Esther tried to say "Anna" when she was trying to get her partner in crime's attention in the tub that night too. "Mama" and "Dada" are obviously not the first, but I will let it slide. It's just so darn cute that it's her Sissy instead.
What a week of accomplishments for my little punkin's! We are so proud of them! Now if I could just take in these last few baby moments a little longer! Mommy is not quite ready to watch them grow so fast!
Just in case you were wondering facts.....
Anna and Esther each eat 18oz of baby food per day,
drink 25oz of milk each per day
(that's 3 gallons of milk together per week),
(that's 3 gallons of milk together per week),
have approximately 7 diaper changes each per day
(that's approximately 14 diapers per day, 100 diapers per week),
(that's approximately 14 diapers per day, 100 diapers per week),
and we go through a pack of wipes almost every other day.
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First jacket weather of the season this week! |
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