As much as I fight to overcome the tug in my heart, I'm also excited about this new adventure. It means 2 days a week, I get some Ty time. He being my youngest, we have never had that special one on one time. I can tell you he's all too happy to have all the toys & Mommy to himself.
I also get a taste of what it feels to have a Singleton on my hands. (This is going to be easy!) I'm looking forward to the chance of being refreshed. I feel I will be able to value and monopolize my time better when the twins are home with me, giving me better focus and quality time with them.
The first day went better than I expected. Although, not without tears. Anna cried and grabbed hold of me to stay. She was fine as soon as I made it out the door.
Usually, when one twin starts crying the other joins in too. They sense this in each other, but not today. Esther was cheerfully waiting to give me hugs bye as Anna's tears started flooding. Es has been excitedly counting down to this very moment. She was giving Anna a look as if to say, 'Don't ruin this for me! [I'm not crying with you this time.]'
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1st Day of Preschool!! |
The girls are in the same class together this year. We thought it would be best for them to have the security of each other in this transition time and split them up into different classes next year.
After orientation, I walked by to take a peek in their room before leaving home. The girls were happy sitting in Circle Time with all the other kids.
Since it was orientation day, Tyler went to stay with his Mimi, so I got to have a lunch date with my Hubs. I can't remember the last time we had one of those, so it made for a sweet morning.
At pick up, the girls were so excited to show me their papers from their day, but Anna hurriedly came over to tell me, "You took a LONG time." We're not used to being away from each other this long.
The school day included a story of the Gingerbread Man, a Gingerbread Man hunt, Gingerbread cookies for snack, and Gingerbread Man craft.
I was impressed with how well their craft turned out for the 1st day. There must be something to this Preschool thing. Esther told me her Gingerbread cookies ran away. Smiling, she continued to repeat, 'You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!'
I don't know about you, but Gingerbread makes me think of Christmas, not a 1st day of school theme.
Although, they were exhilarated the rest of the afternoon about their right of passage. The true sign came when we got in the car to run errands, they would ask if we were going to school
'No, not today.'
"Whyyy? I want to go to school."
This is all going to be okay. I have big girls now, little Preschoolers that is! ::sniffles::
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Esther's Back to School Photo |
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Our Post 1st Day of School Photo |
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Anna's Back to School Photo |